Hugh Munro
Starting out with a single Caterpillar machine when he got into the construction business in 1959, it took him just a couple of decades until he became an overnight success. He started out clearing bush and “any kind of dirt work” while working for the provincial water services board and the highways branch.
Partnerships Built on Success
“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean,” the Japanese writer Ryunosuke Satoro once said—a simple but cogent metaphor that defines the power of collaboration in every aspect of life, including doing business.
City of Winnipeg Police Service
Our K9 Unit Dog Vest & Retirement Funds received a real boost this week, following a $10,000 donation from the management and staff at Hugh Munro Construction. The funds were raised through a Halloween fundraiser at the Hotel Fort Garry, private donations, and donations from the company.
Hugh Munro Construction's Cat 980H placing rip rap for Pinawa Diversion Dam repair project
Aboriginal Business Opportunities
Hugh Munro Construction’s philosophy is to provide our Aboriginal partners with “True Ownership” in the construction opportunities we participate in their regions.
HMC’s commitment is to maximize their ownership share in a project through utilization of labour, equipment and local resources on a priority basis. Meaning, our partner’s resources work first, HMC’s second, to supplement what is needed to successfully complete the work.
“Partnerships and agreements go back to the first time when the first treaties were signed. They are simply a recognition that both parties need each other for success. This holds true in the business world of today. Going it alone may be more arduous. Our partnership with Munro has proven it was the right step.”
-Chief Fontaine, Sagkeeng First Nation